Split Nodes

Split nodes are used to split the previous incoming node into multiple outgoing nodes (or outputs), as opposed to flowing into a single output. All nodes, except for multi-select Tables and Target nodes, can have multiple ‘split nodes’ connected to them. This splitting mechanism enables the creation of complex data flow processes. For instance, you could connect multiple filter nodes to a single table to produce multiple filtered outputs. Or you could connect several scripting nodes to a single table.

Which Nodes Can be Split?

All nodes, except for Tables and Target nodes, can be split:

  • Data Source nodes: commonly split by connecting multiple Select nodes. Often this is several tables from the datasource, but it could also be multiple Query or Top or Bottom n nodes.
  • Table nodes: each table node can have multiple column operations, preparations, machine learning, and scripting nodes connected.
  • Top n and Bottom n nodes: like Table nodes, each Top or Bottom n node can have many outputs.
  • Join nodes: merge and union nodes can be split by connecting multiple outputs.
  • Column Operation nodes: can be split by connecting multiple outputs.
  • Preparation nodes: can be split by connecting multiple outputs.
  • Machine Learning nodes: can be split by connecting multiple outputs.
  • Scripting nodes: can be split by connecting multiple outputs.

How to Split Nodes

Splitting is achieved simply by connecting the required function directly to the previous node. The result is that the node will have multiple outputs, rather than just one.

In the image below, the Filter node was split by having both a Summarize and Target node connected directly to it: